Saging your house is also known as smudging. Its roots are in Native American cultures and traditions. It is a ritualistic way to cleanse a person, place or an object of negative energies or influences. Pray and set your intentions and allow the magic and power of the Most-High to do the rest.
Purchase your NDA Sage Kit includes One of a kind Smudge feather wand, 2 sage bundles, abalone shell, 1 white tea light, 1 Black Tourmaline and Clear Quartz crystal.
Purchase Just The Smudge Feather Wand
Familiar or Unfamiliar with the moon's energy, the time of the full moon can be confusing. Thankfully, it doesn't have to be. Instead of wasting time and energy dwelling on negative events, here is a simple full moon ritual you can use to make the most of your night.